How to book a Driving Test in the Southern Highlands
You can call in at the RMS at Mittagong or Goulburn to book, or simply call on 132213.
If you need to change your booking for personal reasons you can do this by going back to on the link above and click existing booking. You must do this at least 48 hours before your test time, otherwise changes cannot be made. There is no cost to alter your booking if you do this before the 48 hour cut off.
How to fill in your log book:
Your log book is a legal document which needs to be looked after and filled in correctly.
Attending a GLS Workshop at the Wingecarribee Council with the Road Safety Officer can help you understand the legal requirements of filling in your log book.
Main points:
1. Do not loose the cover of your log book, it contains all your personal data that identifies the book as yours.
2. Fill in each line as you complete the drive. Errors occur when you leave multiple spaces then try to remember what you need to fill in.
3. Each line must have a signature of the supervisor driver, do not sign diagonally across multiple lines or use ditto marks.
4. Do not use ditto marks - " " .
5. Night hours are between sunset and sunrise, this differs each day and by season. A good indicator is the sun has completely set and you need your headlights on to drive. You can Google sunset times southern highlands 2022 for more detail.
6. Use blue or black pen, NEVER PENCIL
7. Be specific when filling in details of where you drove. Home to school is not sufficient, the name of the town or suburb must be written.
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST 100 day hours and 20 night hours BEFORE you go to the RMS for your test. If you do not satisfy this minimum criteria YOU WILL NOT SIT THE TEST. Night hours are from SUNSET on one day to SUNRISE the next day. Please check your local nightly news for sunset times especially in daylight savings time.
Your log book MUST be signed in the back DECLARATION section (last page) by the learner and the supervisor. Each front learning section MUST be signed off as completed - BEFORE YOU GO TO THE RMS, there are 20 sections.
Your car must have ALL 6 indicators and 3 brake lights working, tyres must have over minimum tread and the vehicle is registered.
THE RMS DOES NOT SUPPLY CARS FOR TESTS - you use your own as long as it is roadworthy - see your booking sheet for details. We strongly recommend you use your car that you have completed 120 hours in as you will feel more comfortable and confident in this car. Using someone else's car can cause unnecessary anxiety and could lead to a fail if you do not know how to use all controls.
Click here for test information and handy hints
As of 1st August 2014 the restricted car list for P1 and P2 drivers changed allowing more V8, turbo and supercharged cars on the list around 6500 more models are now allowed. Go to the website to check if your car complies
You can call in at the RMS at Mittagong or Goulburn to book, or simply call on 132213.
If you need to change your booking for personal reasons you can do this by going back to on the link above and click existing booking. You must do this at least 48 hours before your test time, otherwise changes cannot be made. There is no cost to alter your booking if you do this before the 48 hour cut off.
How to fill in your log book:
Your log book is a legal document which needs to be looked after and filled in correctly.
Attending a GLS Workshop at the Wingecarribee Council with the Road Safety Officer can help you understand the legal requirements of filling in your log book.
Main points:
1. Do not loose the cover of your log book, it contains all your personal data that identifies the book as yours.
2. Fill in each line as you complete the drive. Errors occur when you leave multiple spaces then try to remember what you need to fill in.
3. Each line must have a signature of the supervisor driver, do not sign diagonally across multiple lines or use ditto marks.
4. Do not use ditto marks - " " .
5. Night hours are between sunset and sunrise, this differs each day and by season. A good indicator is the sun has completely set and you need your headlights on to drive. You can Google sunset times southern highlands 2022 for more detail.
6. Use blue or black pen, NEVER PENCIL
7. Be specific when filling in details of where you drove. Home to school is not sufficient, the name of the town or suburb must be written.
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST 100 day hours and 20 night hours BEFORE you go to the RMS for your test. If you do not satisfy this minimum criteria YOU WILL NOT SIT THE TEST. Night hours are from SUNSET on one day to SUNRISE the next day. Please check your local nightly news for sunset times especially in daylight savings time.
Your log book MUST be signed in the back DECLARATION section (last page) by the learner and the supervisor. Each front learning section MUST be signed off as completed - BEFORE YOU GO TO THE RMS, there are 20 sections.
Your car must have ALL 6 indicators and 3 brake lights working, tyres must have over minimum tread and the vehicle is registered.
THE RMS DOES NOT SUPPLY CARS FOR TESTS - you use your own as long as it is roadworthy - see your booking sheet for details. We strongly recommend you use your car that you have completed 120 hours in as you will feel more comfortable and confident in this car. Using someone else's car can cause unnecessary anxiety and could lead to a fail if you do not know how to use all controls.
Click here for test information and handy hints
As of 1st August 2014 the restricted car list for P1 and P2 drivers changed allowing more V8, turbo and supercharged cars on the list around 6500 more models are now allowed. Go to the website to check if your car complies